Building Stronger Communities Together

At Northfleet, community involvement is more than a commitment—it's our mission.  Whether it's through engaging events, charitable donations or local partnerships, we are dedicated to connecting with our community and doing everything we can to support it's bright future.



We were proud to be a key sponsor of Kids Feeding Kids; an innovative program that uses gamification in the classroom to inspire social impact, foster student character development and align educational activities with global and local goals for social good.

The program ran from May 1 to June 7, 2024 and involved students, staff, and families completing "do-gooder challenges" on The Social Impact Games platform that converted into meals donated to local organizations that feed hungry kids.

Each challenge aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as "Quality Education", "Zero Hunger" and "No Poverty" and aimed to foster a deep understanding of these issues among students.

In total, 579 challenges were completed which resulted in 500 meals being donated to kids in need!
